Vídeos de les presentacions corresponents a la darrera edició de Readmagine, la trobada dedicada a la innovació en la lectura i els llibres, organitzada per la Fundació Germán Sánchez Ruipérez (FGSR), UDNE-IPDA i FANDE, comptant amb el suport de la Direcció General del Llibre, del Còmic i de la Lectura, i d’Acció Cultural Espanyola (AC/E), que va tenir lloc els passats 29, 30 i 31 de Maig a la Casa del Lector de Madrid.

A Readmagine24 van participar prop de 200 professionals del sector del llibre tant espanyols com internacionals. Vídeo resum sobre Readmagine24 a https://youtu.be/JCW47BCcB0I




Publishing’s New ‘Writer-Centric Mode’: Authors Equity

Madeline McIntosh (CEO at Authors Equity)

In conversation with Porter Anderson

(Editor-in-Chief at Publishing Perspectives)



Publishing in an age of anxiety

Madeline McIntosh (CEO at Authors Equity)

Michael Tamblyn (CEO at Rakuten Kobo)

Richard Charkin (Founder of Mensch Publishing)

in conversation with Porter Anderson (Editor-in-Chief at Publishing Perspectives)



New digital content business models

Jason Kelly (Founder of Sounded)

Paula Gallejones (Head of Product at Mondia)

Moderated by Javier Celaya (CEO at DosDoce)



About educational content

Karla Paniagua (CENTRO)

John Martin (Chairman at ILT Education)

Moderated by Marta Martínez (CEO at Grupo Anaya)



Innovation in the Book Fairs landscape

Eva Orúe (Managing Director at Madrid Book Fair)

Juergen Boos (President at Frankfurt Book Fair)

Piero Crocenzi (CEO at Salone del Libro de Torino)

Moderated by Marifé Boix (Vicepresident at Frankfurt Book Fair)



EntreprenHers: exploring the role of female innovators in the global publishing industry

Arantza Larrauri (Managing Director at Libranda DeMarque)

Gvantsa Jobava (Vice President at International Publishers Association)

Searsha Sadek (Founder & Chief Product Officer at Shimmr AI)

Moderated by Emma House (PublisHer)


Figures on the European Publishers Ecosystem

Enrico Turrin (Deputy Director at the Federation of European Publishers)


The Book Market in 2024: Publishing beyond Publishers

Rüdiger Wischenbart (Digital Consumer Book Barometer)


Focus Market: Rethinking Brazil

Marcelo Gioia (Coordinator Tech Group at the Brazilian Book Chamber)


Data management challenges for publishers

Andrew Rhomberg (Founder of Jellybooks)

Michael Then (Director of Media and Digital products at Weltbild)

Moderated by Raul Pérez (Head Digital at Grupo Planeta)


About books discoverability

Giorgia Russo (Teacher social media marketing at UEM Booksellers School)

Searsha Sadek (Founder & Chief Product Officer at Shimmr AI)

Moderated by Arantza Larrauri (Managing Director at Libranda DeMarque)


Book eCommerce Platforms: An overview

Mark Thornton (Senior Partnership Manager at Bookshop.org UK)

Sakari Luovio (Chief Sales Officer B2C at Adlibris)

Moderated by Carlo Carrenho (Publishing Advisor & Analyst)
