La Federation of European Publishers ha organitzat una trobada de joves editors a Brussel·les per tal que coneguin la tasca que fa aquesta entitat i les institucions europees. Aquesta acció tindrà lloc el dia 23 de setembre.
La data límit per a apuntar-s’hi acaba el dia 15 de juny de 2019!
S’ha ampliat la data límit per apuntar-s’hi!
A més també ofereixen un interessant programa amb motiu de la Fira de Frankfurt el mes d’octubre.
On 23rd September, we expect many young publishing professionals to travel to Brussels and to get better acquainted with FEP work and the European institutions. Please find enclosed a slightly adapted agenda to take into account of the change of date of the ceremony of European Union Prize for Literature 2/10). If the date of the ceremony the dates of the YPP does not change, it remains 23-24-25 September 2019.
Additionally, Kristina Kramer had an interesting offering for the Young Publishing Professionals from the Frankfurt Book which will be offering the following for 2019:
- Every YPP gets a Trade visitor weekly ticket for FBF 2019
- Every YPP is invited to the exclusive “Young Talent” Reception at FBF on Wednesday 16 October. (18h at the Business Club). It is the ceremony where young talents from the FBF programme are awarded (Young Excellence Award). It is supported by 8 media partners from 8 countries (US, Brazil, Germany, CH, Spain, Netherlands, UK, China). FEP YPP will have the opportunity to mingle, to get in contact with other young publishing professionals from the international publishing scene.
Looking forward hearing from you no later than 15 June 2019.