L’esdeveniment comptarà amb més de 60 conferències, presentacions, cursos de formació i tallers

La Fira de Llibre Infantil de Bolonya, que tindrà lloc exclusivament en format digital del 14 al 17 de juny ha revelat els detalls del seu programa. Aquest any, l’esdeveniment comptarà amb més de 60 conferències, presentacions, cursos de formació i tallers.


as recently announced, the Bologna Children’s Book Fair – Online Edition, scheduled for 14 – 17 June 2021, will host an Exhibitor Events Programme – a new section on its official website dedicated to the events, meetings, presentations, interviews, workshops and other initiatives curated by our BCBF Exhibitors.

This service is offered free of any charge and is strictly reserved for Exhibitors registered for the 2019, 2020 and 2021 BCBF.

Your event proposals should be submitted through our BCBF website from 17 to 31 May 2021, following the instructions below.

The Exhibitor Events Programme will be published on our BCBF website on 4 June 2021. Please note that all Exhibitor Programme events made available as registrations will remain accessible online until 31 August.

The Exhibitor Events Programme will be promoted on all our on- and offline communication channels as an integral part of the BCBF Online Edition 2021.

Submit an event. The BCBF Online Edition starts now!

How to submit an event.

Click on the link below to generate your access credentials. Use these credentials to access the Exhibitor Event upload section.



  • Go to the EXHIBITORS AREA on www.bolognachildrensbookfair.com
    Enter your credentials and go to the EXHIBITOR EVENTS – 2021 ONLINE EDITION section.
  • After reading the Regulations, go to the CREATE YOUR EVENT section and fill in the EVENT FORM.
  • The deadline for submitting your events is 31 May 2021. No event proposals after this date can be accepted.
  • You can make corrections and changes to your Event Form by going to the Exhibitor Events section and accessing your uploaded Event Form until 13 June 2021.
  • Event Forms submitted will be checked by the BCBF Team before publication.
  • For any queries, please write to us at: bookfair@bolognafiere.it

We look forward to meeting you online!
Warmest regards.
The Bologna Children’s Book Fair Team

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