barcelona-ciutat-literariaDes de l’equip de Tramoia Cultura inviten els editors a participar en una iniciativa que han preparat dins el marc de les noves residències d’escriptura de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona a Vil·la Joana.

Es tracta de les Reunions Literàries 2022 , un espai que vol ser una oportunitat de trobada entre editors i traductors de l’àmbit de Catalunya i els escriptors internacionals residents a Vil·la Joana al llarg dels propers mesos.

Mensualment, celebren una vetllada literària per conèixer els escriptors residents i donar-los a conèixer la vostra feina.

La vetllada d’aquest mes se celebrarà el dimecres 29 de juny a les 18.30h,  al MUHBA Vil·la Joana (carretera de l’Església, 104 de Vallvidriera).

Durant el mes de juny, han estat residents l’escriptora lituana Miglè Anušauskaitė  i l’australià Ronnie Scott..

  • Miglė Anušauskaitė

A graphic novel author and Judaica researcher, who has recently made her debut in writing crime fiction. Living in Vilnius, Lithuania, for almost 18 years, Miglė has contributed extensively to the city’s literary scene. Her graphic novels on semiotics and on Lithuanian historical personalities were awarded various literary prizes, she has translated several books from English and from Yiddish. Last year Miglė’s crime fiction radio play “Pasitikėjimo žaidimas” (“Game of Trust”) premiered on the National Radio of Lithuania and got encouraging reviews. In response to the publishers’ expressing interest in her writing a full-lenght crime fiction novel, Miglė will be devoting her time in Montserrat Roig residency to the plot of the said novel.

  • Ronnie Scott

Dr Ronnie Scott is the author of a novel, The Adversary (Hamish Hamilton), which was shortlisted for a 2020 Queensland Literary Award and the 2021 Australian Literature Society Gold Medal. He is also the author of a Penguin Special, Salad Days, and two books of nonfiction for the National Gallery of Victoria, as well as the editor of two anthologies. He teaches Creative Writing at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, where he is also a researcher on Folio: A New History of Australian Comics, a three-year project supported by the Australian Research Council Linkage Scheme that seeks to document stories of Australian comics since 1980. He is a two-time MacDowell Fellow and his second novel will be published in 2023.


[cal apuntar-s’hi abans del dia 27 de juny per tal que puguin planificar l’esdeveniment]

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