La fira de llicències de Bolonya torna aquest any amb moltes novetats i propostes adaptades als professionals del sector. El programa BCBF Open Up continua amb la seva propera conferència -avui divendres 14 de maig-, que analitzarà la tasca de representar il·lustradors al mercat. Properament s’anuncia els finalistes del novè premi BOP – Bolonya als millors editors infantils de l’any. Estigueu atents!

bologna-children-book-fair-2021Bologna Licensing Trade Fair Online Edition

BLTF is back online with important new initiatives. The Global Rights Exchange platform: created last year for the publishing world, this year the platform has been updated with a licensing area dedicated to properties and brands. The platform will be operational 365 days of the year. Accessible free of charge to professionals, the BLTF Papers section offers in-depth insights into topical industry issues. Also lined up are online meetings and live conferences targeting licensees and operators looking for new IPs to develop in consumer products and publishing, along with sessions on new market developments and current trends. Find out more!

How does Representation work? How to go about finding an Agency or Agent

Tomorrow, Friday 14 May, the live Masterclass “Inside the Agency” – available on demand until the end of June – will be looking at the whole question of agencies and representation. The expert speaker panel will be made up of Valentina Colombo (Phileas Fogg Agency), Lucie Luddington (Bright Agency) and Jörn Schwarz (2agenten). Join the meeting

Forging Forward weaves children’s publishing angle throughout entire programme

The voice of children’s publishing is firmly embedded in the headline conference, 14 June. “The Pandemic: An Interruption or an Opportunity to Rethink?” speakers from the children’s world include: Deborah Ahenkorah, Accord Library, Ghana, Felicia Lowe, Difference Engine, Singapore; Atlantyca’s Claudia Mazzucco, Italy, and Veronique Fontain, Fon Fon, Canada. This is the most truly global conference on offer this year. Book now!

BOP 2021: shortlist soon online

BCBF exhibitors and book promotion institutions around the world still have 24 hours to nominate the publishers who have most distinguished themselves over the past year for the quality and innovation of their titles. The finalists will be announced on the BCBF website by the end of May. Find out more!

New articles on FairTales

The BCBF blog has now published the second article in the column “Not So Lost In Translation” and the first episode of “A Walk Through the Pages of the 2020 BolognaRagazzi Awards”, a four-episode account of the 2020 BRAW winners and mentions. Visit FairTales!

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